Wednesday, January 25, 2012

May I have my passport back please?....

31 September 2010 was a Friday my off day.

In United Arab Emirates the last day of the week is Thursday. Friday and Saturday is the weekend so Sunday is the beginning of the week and is when we return to work.

In the beginning of the week, I already emailed all the necessary parties my resignation letter. I had some trouble of course because I had no clue of who the proper people were to get this letter. I had to call Teach Away and the people they directed me to ADEC was not available. It took me two days just to reach them only to find out their not really the right persons. I got an email of a long list of the people I was supposed to reach. The first person was Jane, I emailed her and copied a few others my resignation letter. It was approved after they recommended I make some changes. One day, I had to have my husband do the emailing and calling for me while I was at school. If I waited to go to my hotel it would be too late and since my internet access was limited i'd be taking the chance of losing another day. Since, I had him do some research and send an email for me, I got an email from one of the supervisors stating I shouldn't have him do anything and they were dealing with me only. I was surprised he told me that because my husband was just trying to help expedite my leaving process. I started to get a little nervous that I shouldn't rub anyone the rub way because they might hinder me from leaving.

The next mission was to get my passport. I now had to deal with the two first contacts I was given. They were very nice but seemed busy and overwhelmed with work. I met one of them at a meeting in the beginning of the week all of us teachers had to attend. It was at a hotel where the teachers were being told about the status of their housing. They were ready but the only problem was a lot of the teachers who were in the groups here before had no money. They had exhausted most of the money they came with and didn't get their housing allowance or first paychecks. On the other hand, I got my paycheck already. It made me realize even further how their system was so backwards. When I spoke to one of the ADEC reps he told me he has to find out where my passport is located and he has no clue.  I just kept getting more and more nervous. How could no one know where a bunch of teachers passport were located? That is some important stuff. We had given our passports so we can get our work visas completed. I sent emails asking can I just walk into immigration and get it but I found out the one of the reps had to find whose hand it was in and he wasn't sure.

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