Saturday, February 18, 2012

Last day of School

3 October 2010

I was back to school on Sunday, finally ready to tell the principal, co workers and my Arabic teacher that I was going back home. It was not going to be easy for me. I didn't feel like having to tell each person the reasons. I am more of a closed and private person when it comes to my personal information. Even writing this blog has been a challenge for me because of my reserved nature.

BUT to my surprise, telling everyone wasn't so hard after all.... I told Mrs. Amal, the Arabic teacher first. She wasn't too happy. She did like an islander and made the "humph" and "sucking teeth" sound. She was pregnant and didn't want to be in there alone. I told her I had to go back home or I'd otherwise stay here for two years without my husband. She totally understood and said she wished me well. I told her I'm sure they'd find a replacement for me. Mrs. Amal later in the day explained to the students that today was my last day. They all said goodbye and gave me a hug. I was going to miss those little cuties especially the bad ones. Salem was such a pain but he always clung to me in the end. He'd misbehave but when it came to play time, he would hold my hand and direct me to where he wanted to play. Sometimes he would just hold onto my skirt and watch the other kids play.

I left the classroom early to go and talk to the principal Mrs. Tina. I explained to her I was in the beginning process to go home. I used one of the reasons why I decided to leave. I told her it was because of my husband. We just got married and I didn't want to do the two years without him. She told me I was making the right choice.

During recess, I realized that I didn't even need to tell my co workers. One person told the other and it spread like wildfire. One by one or in a group the teachers said they heard I was leaving. Some were kinda brash and said I was making a mistake and missing the chance to make money. Others were understanding and said I was doing the right thing. A LOT of teachers said they were considering to leave as well and that it was too much for them to handle. I think some of them were just saying that to be nice or make conversation.

By the end of the day, I was so happy and relieved that i'd begin the process of going back home.

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